Painting and Sculpture Classes and Workshops

Plein Air 101
Painting in the dynamic high mountain light & atmosphere on the shores of Flathead Lake.

The focus of these one day workshops is the fundementals of plein air painting while sketching in watercolor. Students will learn how and where to set up, composition of the scene, and analysis of color, light, and form.
All without being intimidated by the scale of the subject matter or a big blank piece of watercolor paper.
A fun and exciting introduction to this popular genre of painting
maximum 5 students
For more information contact the instructor

Discovering the Third Dimension

The focus of this workshop is to help the student develop abilities in three dementional problem solving and to expose them to a variety of traditional sculpting techniques.
For more information contact the instructor

Anyone Can Learn to Draw
This beginning drawing class is designed to teach the the student how to observe and analize the subject, then produce an accurate rendering using charcoal pencils and a few other basic pieces of equipment. contact the instructor

Sculpting for Bronze
schedule your session today
This, two sudent max, workshop is an exploration of sculptural design as it relates to the reproduction of clay sculpture in cast bronze.
( this workshop does not encompass mold making or bronze casting )
For more information contact the instructor

A year round schedule is being established for travel watercolor workshops.

Would your Art Club or local Art Center like to sponsor a workshop?
For more information on these and other classes and workshops....

Listed at Shaw Guides.


© P. K. Berry Studios. All Rights Reserved. Roger Thornhill Agency